Bull Sculpture.
Free Cinema 4D Sculpture model (.obj and textures included).

Owl Sculpture.
I sculpted this owl in my spare time and shared it with my friend Eugene’s website musecreative.net. Go grab this exclusive free download.

Elephant Sculpture.
Head over to my Facebook page and download my latest sculpture. Compatible with Cinema 4d R14. I also included an .obj model for those who use R13 and lower.

99frames contest Fish Tale.
My entry for “99Frames” The Social Animation Project 2012.
CINEMA4D R14: Sculpting, MoGraph, Cloth, Displacer, X-Refs, Physical Renderer
CINEMA4D R14: Sculpting, MoGraph, Cloth, Displacer, X-Refs, Physical Renderer
Download links :

Let there be light.
Let there be light! To download a collection of 8 Cinema 4D free lamp models head over to vudumotion’s Facebook page. Files are compatible with Cinema 4D R13.

Free C4D Weapons Model Pack.
I participated in Pixellab C4D weapon modeling contest. My model is the Lightning gun. Head over to www.thepixellab.net and download the free model pack.

'OKO' free C4D scene file.
I was playing with Cinema 4D’s MoGraph and Cell renderer the other day. I decided to share scene on Vimeo. Feel free to tear it apart, maybe you’ll learn something new. Let me know if you have any questions.

Antique Clock.
This Free C4D scene file includes:
High detail clock model | Custom made seamless textures
Fully textured scene | XPresso rigged hands
HDR image is not included. You can download it for free from here (Old Industrial Hall). Compatible with R13.

Free 3D models.
For my first blog post i decided to share with you some of 3D models I recently created. Files are compatible with Cinema 4d R13 and I also included an .obj file for those with R12 and below or any other 3D software. Abuse them in any way you want!